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  • Use your high-energy time of day to organize what you need to get done and work on it so that you are in charge of your day.

  • Focus on a simple task.

  • Create a manageable list of things to do each day.

  • Make to-do lists for the week, and set priorities.

  • Make a weekly schedule.

  • Set realistic goals by breaking large tasks into small ones.

  • Accept help when people offer.

  • Recognize that you may have to give up some activities.

  • Prioritize your tasks and then do the tasks that are the most important to you. There may be times when some tasks do not get done. Most people will understand your situation.

  • Put off or delay tasks that are not priorities. Recognize that everything does not have the same priority.

  • Scratch off tasks that you have done on your list. This will let you see your accomplishments.

  • Set aside an hour a day to make phone calls. Try not to let the phone distract you during the day.

  • Give yourself permission to say "no" to things you do not want to do or that are not really necessary.

  • Establish routines and stick to them.

  • Be proactive, look ahead, and plan as much as you are able to.

  • Find resources for help in your community, such as friends or church.

  • Delegate what you can to others. You do not need to do everything.

  • Use an online group calendar to keep track of who is assisting you and your loved one.

  • Ask for help when you need it.

  • Set time limits for tasks.

  • Take time each day for yourself. These breaks will help energize you during the day.

  • Know your limits. Do not let yourself be stretched past these limits.



Coping with Time Demands

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